Penerapan Pola Asuh Permisif Meningkatkan Risiko Perilaku Bullying Remaja

  • Lembah Andriani
  • Balqis Nur
  • Ayu Nanda Lestari


Bullying in childhood has detrimental effects on the mentaland social health of victims. Prevention of bullying isimportant for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals,with interventions on the etiology of bullying behavior in thefamily. Parenting is one of the determinants of the formationof child bullying behavior. This study aims to explore thetypes of parenting styles that contribute to shaping adolescentbullying behavior. This study involved 45 junior high schoolstudents aged 13-14 years. Parenting patterns were validatedthrough students’ perspectives, while bullying behavior wasvalidated on students through several question items for selfassessment. Logistic regression analysis was carried out toevaluate the dominant parenting styles that shape bullyingbehavior in adolescents. Results: Identified bullying behaviorin adolescents included: hitting, bullying, beating, being rude,speaking harshly, laughing at, insulting, threatening, lookingcynical, publicly embarrassing, isolating, terrorizing, poutingand bullying. The results of the logistic regression analysisshowed that the parenting style of parents who applieddominant permissive parenting tended to increase the potentialfor the formation of bullying behavior in adolescents, whichwas significant with an OR value of 0.04 (p=0.003). Based onthis, parents make a major contribution to preventing the riseof adolescent bullying behavior by improving the quality ofcommunication and attention. This will encourage adolescentunderstanding to be able to express emotions in the form ofmore positive behavior.