Budaya Pascasalin Di Kabupaten Gianyar Bali Pada Periode Laktasi : Kajian Kearifan Lokal Dari Perspektif Maturasi Barier Mukosa Saluran Cerna Neonatus

  • Kadek Agus Kurniawan
  • Wiwit Nurwidyaningtyas


The success of lactation is an important part of supportingthe quality of infant development, especially in the colostrumphase, due to the higher levels of Immunoglobulin A (IgA)in the colostrum phase compared to the mature milk period.Herbal applications for breastfeeding mothers include theconsumption of Sauropus Androginus empirically provento increase breast milk production. This study is designed topresent an overview of postpartum culture, especially nursingmother care for the community in Gianyar Regency, Bali.Methods: 81 postpartum mothers in 2017-2018 were enrolledin this study. Screening and interviews regarding efforts toincrease milk production during the postpartum period wereconducted by trained enumerators. Participants are residentsof the Supervision Program for the First 1000 Days of Life,Faculty of Medicine, University of Warmadewa, Bali, which have been followed during pregnancy, childbirth and thepostpartum period.Results: Consumption of vitamins and Sauropus Androgynusare the methods that are widely used by postpartum mothersto increase milk production during breastfeeding. Twentyeight point four of 81 postpartum mothers reported that theyhad consumed S. Androgynus leaf decoction since the first daypostpartum and 14.8% consumed Asifit. Conclusion: The people of Gianyar Bali Regency stillhonour and practice post-partum culture throughconsumption of boiled S. Androgynus leaves to increasebreast milk production. The bioactive component of S.Androgynus as an anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant mayhave a potential effect on reducing IgA levels in breastmilk. It is necessary to prove the effect of consuming S.Androgynus leaf decoction based on laboratory tests as aneffort to support the maturation of the gastrointestinal tractsystem of neonates during the lactation period.Keywords: Postpartum Culture in Bali, IgA, Breastfeeding,Sauropus Androgynus.