• Ari Muji Astutik Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Kendedes Malang


ABSTRACT Cardiac arrest is a condition of heart’s inability to pump blood throughout the body therefore can cause permanent brain damage and even death. Cardiac arrest death case is currently the leading cause of death in developing countries. The cause of these deaths is caused by the success rate in the treatment of cardiac arrest which is decreasing. The objective of this study was to identify the Identification of In-Hospital Cardiac Arrest in Emergency Department of RSUD (Public Hospital) Bangil Kabupaten (District) of Pasuruan. This study was conducted on December 1-31, 2016. Descriptive method was used as its research design with 95 patients as its population and 19 patients as its sample in which using accidental sampling. Data collection techniques used were using sheet check list and also observation. The data were analyzed using descriptive method. The result obtained from the research that was conducted to 19 patients were acquired treatment in-hospital cardiac arrest as following gave cardiopulmonary resuscitation, gave ventilation with bag valve mask, give advanced live support with orofaringeal tube and endotracheal tube, pharmacology treatment also and electrocardiographic examination. However the treatment did not give a positive impact on patient’s safety caused by several factors. Thereof serious concern in treating patient’s with cardiac arrest was indispensable. Based on the result of this research, hospital was expected to be able to improve the services quality especially in emergency cardiac arrest. Keywords : The handling of Cardiac Arrest/ Cardiac Arrest Treatment


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