Pengaruh Relaksasi Genggam Jari Terhadap Intensitas Nyeri Pasien Post Operasi Apendik di Rumah Sakit Wava Husada Kepanjen Malang
Appendicitis is inflammation of the appendix and is a common cause of emergency abdominal surgery. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of finger grip relaxation on the intensity of the pain scale in appendic postoperative patients undergoing hospitalization at Wava Husada Hospital. This research design uses pre-experimental designs with One Group Pre Test - Post Test. The study was conducted for one month using the independent sample t-test analysis. The number of respondents in this study were 32 people with 17 male sexes and 15 female people. From the Wilcoxon test results obtained Z count from Z Table (-3,978 <175) so we concluded that there is an influence of hand-held relaxation on pain intensity in appendicitis patients. Hand-held finger therapy can be used as an alternative to non-pharmacological pain management in patients with pain complaints, which work to inhibit pain neurotransmitters to transmit pain impulses caused by invasive procedures. Holding a finger while breathing deeply (relaxation) can reduce and heal physical and emotional tension, because it will warm the finger point at the entry of meridian energy (energy channels) located in the fingers so that this biochemical process will reduce the intensity of pain. Key word :Hand-held finger therapy, Pain Intensity