Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Lama Pelayanan Obat Di Instalasi Farmasi Rumah Sakit Islam Malang

  • Maemunah Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi


ABSTRACT Hospital Pharmacy unit are unit that give medical assistance especially on quality services. Final stage on medical services is medicine services. Time needed on medicine services are paramater that can evaluate how hospital manage medical servicer for patient on hospital. Purposes of this study were to examine factor that give influence on time needed for medicine services on Pharmacist unit RSI Unisma Malang. The study were qualitative research. Data collected using observation, interview and document study. Observation were conducted for 8 days with 105 participant receipt that come into pharmacist unit. Interview conducted on pharmacian to completing the data. Observation on 105 patient receipt that come into pharmacist unit consist of 68 non-mixture receipt and 37 mixture receipt. Wating time mean for non-mixture medicine is 43,99 minute and delay time mean is 21,14 minute. Waiting time mean for mixture medicine is 55,32 minute and delay time mean is 22,17 minute. Overall waiting time is spend on entry process and receipt working. Interview result found that no written standart operating procedure (SOP) for medicine services, room lay out need to be evaluated, some phycians dissobey hospite formularium, and human resources is still low. Influence factor for services time on Pharmacist unit RS Unisma is lack of human resources, no standart operating procedure, room layout that needed to be evaluated and some phycians dissobey hospite formularium. Keyword: waiting time, flow medicene services