Faktor-faktor Yang Berpengaruh Terhadap Servisitis Pada Wanita Pekerja Seksual Langsung di Lokalisasi Gondanglegi

  • Uswatun Khasanah STIKes Kendedes Malang


Cervicitis is an inflammatory disease of the uterine cervix, which is generally a manifestation of sexually transmitted infections. Insidence  of servicitis  on direct  sex workers  in the Gondanglegi highest  than other brothels. This study aims to determine the factors that influence  the incidence of cervicitis  in female sex workers in the brothels Gondanglegi  in April 2014. Dependent  variable is the incidence of the servicitis and independent variable are consistenc y condom use at last week with clients, consistency condom use at last week with her lover, vaginal douching, and the number of clients.Design  research uses cross-sectional  study design  with a total sample of 69 respondents,  through  interviews  and secondary data of medical records.The results of logistic regression test showed only vaginal douche  behaviors   that  have  a  significant   relationship   with  the incidence of  servicitis  in direct female sex workers in the brothels Gondanglegi in April 2014, with p value 0.033, OR 0.109 (95% CI,0012-0828).Conclusion of the study, only vaginal douching had a relationship  with the incidence of cervicitis.Suggestions  for further research about the access condom and the cervicitis  knowledge  in female sex workers. Key  words  :  cervicitis,   female  sex  workes,   condom  ,  vaginal douching