Journal of Kendedes Health Science <p>Journal of Kendedes Health Science is on health as discipline and practices related to preventive and promoting measures to enhance health of the public through scientific approach applying variety of technique. This focus includes area and scope such as biomolecular, epidemiology, health education and promotion, environmental health, public health nutrition, sexual and reproductive health, and occupational health and safety. The journal employs peer-review mechanism where each submitted article should be anonymously reviewed by expert peers appointed by the editor. Articles published in this journal could be in form of original article and invited review article.</p> Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Kendedes en-US Journal of Kendedes Health Science Budaya Pascasalin Di Kabupaten Gianyar Bali Pada Periode Laktasi : Kajian Kearifan Lokal Dari Perspektif Maturasi Barier Mukosa Saluran Cerna Neonatus <p>The success of lactation is an important part of supporting<br>the quality of infant development, especially in the colostrum<br>phase, due to the higher levels of Immunoglobulin A (IgA)<br>in the colostrum phase compared to the mature milk period.<br>Herbal applications for breastfeeding mothers include the<br>consumption of Sauropus Androginus empirically proven<br>to increase breast milk production. This study is designed to<br>present an overview of postpartum culture, especially nursing<br>mother care for the community in Gianyar Regency, Bali.<br>Methods: 81 postpartum mothers in 2017-2018 were enrolled<br>in this study. Screening and interviews regarding efforts to<br>increase milk production during the postpartum period were<br>conducted by trained enumerators. Participants are residents<br>of the Supervision Program for the First 1000 Days of Life,<br>Faculty of Medicine, University of Warmadewa, Bali, which have been followed during pregnancy, childbirth and the<br>postpartum period.<br>Results: Consumption of vitamins and Sauropus Androgynus<br>are the methods that are widely used by postpartum mothers<br>to increase milk production during breastfeeding. Twentyeight point four of 81 postpartum mothers reported that they<br>had consumed S. Androgynus leaf decoction since the first day<br>postpartum and 14.8% consumed Asifit.</p> <p>Conclusion: The people of Gianyar Bali Regency still<br>honour and practice post-partum culture through<br>consumption of boiled S. Androgynus leaves to increase<br>breast milk production. The bioactive component of S.<br>Androgynus as an anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant may<br>have a potential effect on reducing IgA levels in breast<br>milk. It is necessary to prove the effect of consuming S.<br>Androgynus leaf decoction based on laboratory tests as an<br>effort to support the maturation of the gastrointestinal tract<br>system of neonates during the lactation period.<br>Keywords: Postpartum Culture in Bali, IgA, Breastfeeding,<br>Sauropus Androgynus.</p> Kadek Agus Kurniawan Wiwit Nurwidyaningtyas Copyright (c) 2022-12-06 2022-12-06 1 1 Kajian Tingkat Kecemasan Penderita Astma di Puskesmas Dau Sebagai Salah Satu Kontributor Kekambuhan Astma <p>Asthma is a chronic inflammatory event in the airways<br>caused by bronchial hyperactivity to certain stimuli and is<br>characterized by the main symptom of shortness of breath.<br>People with asthma will experience anxiety caused by a<br>person’s life being disrupted, and mental stress, behavior<br>changes, social interactions are disrupted, and appetite is<br>reduced. The purpose of the study was to describe the level<br>of anxiety in asthmatics at the Dau Health Center, Malang<br>Regency. The research design used a cross sectional<br>approach. The study population was 42 asthma patients<br>who routinely controlled to the health center and the study<br>sample was 38 respondents using purposive sampling.<br>The data collection technique used an instrument in the<br>form of an anxiety level questionnaire (HRS-A/Hamilton<br>Rating Scale for Anxiety/). The results showed that most of<br>the 25 (65.8%) respondents experienced moderate levels<br>of anxiety, 10 (26.3%) experienced mild anxiety and 3<br>(7.9%) experienced severe anxiety in asthmatics. Future<br>researchers are expected to examine the factors that cause<br>anxiety, namely marital status, alcohol drinking habits and<br>family economic status.</p> Wahidyanti Rahayu Hastutiningtyas Sirli Mardianna Trishinta Indah Lestari Dehi Mboru Copyright (c) 2022-09-27 2022-09-27 1 1 Karakterisasi Depresi dari Perspektif Faktor Demografi dan Faktor Psikososial Ibu Postpartum di Surakarta <p>Postpartum depression is a psychological disorder after<br>partum that is characterized by a feeling of sadness, fear,<br>anxiety, loneliness, suspicion, worthless and loss of hope. The<br>incidence rate of postpartum depression in Indonesia varies<br>from 50-70%. This research aims to illustrate the profile of<br>the demographic and psychosocial mother who experienced<br>postpartum depression in Surakarta. Research design is<br>descriptive. The samples of this study were mother who<br>experienced postpartum depression selected in 25 primary<br>health care using purposive sampling method with a total<br>of 66 respondents. The instrument used for measurement<br>is Edinburg Posnatal Depression Scale (EPDS). Results<br>showed that the average score of postpartum depression<br>was 11.71. Demographic profiles were the average age<br>of 28.26 (early adulthood category), balanced between<br>primipara and multipara, almost balanced between income<br>of &lt; 1.5 million and ≥ 1.5 million per month, more common<br>in mothers with cesarean section delivery (74.2%) and low<br>education levels (92.4%). Psychosocial profiles were mother<br>with no previous history of stress, had harmonious marital<br>relationship, and almost entirely gained considerable<br>support from her family. Postpartum depression is more<br>common in mothers with cesarean section delivery and low<br>education levels. It is hoped that Primary Health Care can<br>carry out prevention efforts through screening based on<br>characteristics that contribute to postpartum depression</p> Siti Kholifah Setyo Budi Bawono Copyright (c) 2022-09-27 2022-09-27 1 1 Penerapan Pola Asuh Permisif Meningkatkan Risiko Perilaku Bullying Remaja <p>Bullying in childhood has detrimental effects on the mental<br>and social health of victims. Prevention of bullying is<br>important for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals,<br>with interventions on the etiology of bullying behavior in the<br>family. Parenting is one of the determinants of the formation<br>of child bullying behavior. This study aims to explore the<br>types of parenting styles that contribute to shaping adolescent<br>bullying behavior. This study involved 45 junior high school<br>students aged 13-14 years. Parenting patterns were validated<br>through students’ perspectives, while bullying behavior was<br>validated on students through several question items for selfassessment. Logistic regression analysis was carried out to<br>evaluate the dominant parenting styles that shape bullying<br>behavior in adolescents. Results: Identified bullying behavior<br>in adolescents included: hitting, bullying, beating, being rude,<br>speaking harshly, laughing at, insulting, threatening, looking<br>cynical, publicly embarrassing, isolating, terrorizing, pouting<br>and bullying. The results of the logistic regression analysis<br>showed that the parenting style of parents who applied<br>dominant permissive parenting tended to increase the potential<br>for the formation of bullying behavior in adolescents, which<br>was significant with an OR value of 0.04 (p=0.003). Based on<br>this, parents make a major contribution to preventing the rise<br>of adolescent bullying behavior by improving the quality of<br>communication and attention. This will encourage adolescent<br>understanding to be able to express emotions in the form of<br>more positive behavior.</p> Lembah Andriani Balqis Nur Ayu Nanda Lestari Copyright (c) 2022-09-27 2022-09-27 1 1 Pengembangan Eksplorasi Determinan Respons Neoajuvan Kemoterapi Pasien Kanker Payudara Stadium Lanjut Lokal Berbasis Kuantifikasi Penanda Penekan Tumor <p>The management of locally advanced breast cancer is still<br>an issue and challenge for every oncologist, including low<br>patient survival rates, high recurrences and unpredictable<br>chemotherapy responses. Aggressive behavior of cancer<br>cells is a determinant of poor therapeutic outcomes,<br>predominantly due to inhibition of tumor suppressor<br>p53 activity. This study aims to examine the response<br>of neoadjuvant chemotherapy based on p53 expression<br>in cancer tissue prior to administration of neoadjuvant<br>chemotherapy. At least 80 patients with locally advanced<br>breast cancer who will receive neoadjuvant chemotherapy<br>regimens of taxane or anthracycline types were included<br>in this retrospective cohort study. The results of cancer<br>tissue biopsies before chemotherapy were isolated for the<br>process of p53 staining using the immunohistochemical<br>method, followed by monitoring the response after giving<br>neoadjuvant chemotherapy for 3 cycles with an interval of<br>4 weeks each administration. Chemotherapy response was<br>based on RECIST 1.1 criteria by validating changes in tumor<br>volume before and after administration of neoadjuvant<br>chemotherapy. The results of this study indicated that p53<br>expression in locally advanced breast cancer tissue did not<br>affect differences in response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy<br>(p=0,6,21), p53 expression significantly increased<br>the positive response after administration of taxanebased chemotherapy better than anthracycline-based<br>chemotherapy ( OR 4.64;p=0.036). Based on these findings,</p> <p>it can be concluded that the presence of p53 contributes to<br>the efficacy of neoadjuvant chemotherapy regimens but<br>cannot be used as a clinical predictor of response. It is still<br>necessary to study the mechanism of the role of p53 in the<br>drug efflux mechanism pathway which increases the risk of<br>a negative chemotherapy response.</p> M. Bachtiar Budianto Copyright (c) 2022-09-27 2022-09-27 1 1