Karakterisasi Depresi dari Perspektif Faktor Demografi dan Faktor Psikososial Ibu Postpartum di Surakarta
postpartum depression, demographic, psychosocial
Postpartum depression is a psychological disorder afterpartum that is characterized by a feeling of sadness, fear,anxiety, loneliness, suspicion, worthless and loss of hope. Theincidence rate of postpartum depression in Indonesia variesfrom 50-70%. This research aims to illustrate the profile ofthe demographic and psychosocial mother who experiencedpostpartum depression in Surakarta. Research design isdescriptive. The samples of this study were mother whoexperienced postpartum depression selected in 25 primaryhealth care using purposive sampling method with a totalof 66 respondents. The instrument used for measurementis Edinburg Posnatal Depression Scale (EPDS). Resultsshowed that the average score of postpartum depressionwas 11.71. Demographic profiles were the average ageof 28.26 (early adulthood category), balanced betweenprimipara and multipara, almost balanced between incomeof < 1.5 million and ≥ 1.5 million per month, more commonin mothers with cesarean section delivery (74.2%) and loweducation levels (92.4%). Psychosocial profiles were motherwith no previous history of stress, had harmonious maritalrelationship, and almost entirely gained considerablesupport from her family. Postpartum depression is morecommon in mothers with cesarean section delivery and loweducation levels. It is hoped that Primary Health Care cancarry out prevention efforts through screening based oncharacteristics that contribute to postpartum depression
How to Cite
Kholifah, Siti, and Setyo Budi Bawono. 2022. “Karakterisasi Depresi Dari Perspektif Faktor Demografi Dan Faktor Psikososial Ibu Postpartum Di Surakarta”. Journal of Kendedes Health Science 1 (1). Malang, Indonesia. https://jurnal.stikeskendedes.ac.id/index.php/KHS/article/view/218.