Pengaruh Pemakaian KB Suntik Terhadap Peningkatan Berat Badan Pada Akseptor KB Suntik Di Praktek Klinik Mandiri Desa Sukodadi Kecamatan Wagir Kabupaten Malang
Program Studi Sarjana Keperawatan Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi Malang
ABSTRACT Excessive weight gain is a problem that exists in women in general and can cause problems in one's health. The purpose of this study was to study the effect of KB use on weight gain in injecting KB acceptors.This type of research is a Pre Experiment research using one group pre post test design research methods. The number of samples in this study amounted to 39 respondents who were selected through simple random sampling technique. This research was conducted in Sukodadi Village, Wagir District, Malang Regency. The increase in body weight of all respondents in the injecting family planning acceptors was higher (38.4%) having more weight. Based on the results of statistical tests using Marginal Homogeneity obtained p value of 0,000 (<0.05) which means it is related to the use of injectable birth control to increase body weight in injection KB acceptors. For injecting family planning acceptors, you can consider other factors that can increase your weight, for example: diet or type of food, activity or exercise. Keywords: increase in body weight, injectable contraception.