Pengaruh Persepsi Mahasiswa Tentang Implementasi Mata Kuliah Metode Blok Terhadap Motivasi Dan Capaian Prestasi Belajar

  • Nurul Aini Program Studi Ilmu Keperawatan FIKES Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang


ABSTRACT Block learning system is one of the learning system innovations applied in many institutions in Indonesia, including several agencies which emphasize that printed graduates can become competent graduates by focusing and directed learning and reducing the burden by simplifying learning hours, so that students can master mastery skills. reach 70%. The application of this system has benefits not only to students but also has added value which is beneficial for the instructor which can streamline time and energy and increase achievement in accordance with the standard curriculum that is charged. The purpose of this research is to find out how students' perceptions about the implementation of the block method in the courses they take in the Nursing Science Study Program and how it affects the motivation and learning achievement of the students concerned. This research is important to be carried out considering that the government through research and development also urges the use of the block method in the learning process to accelerate graduation and maintain the quality of graduates. In Nursing Study Program, the application of this method is considered appropriate, considering that this method helps students to be more able to focus on exploring a topic topic. The results of this study prove that how students perceive the subjects being pursued by using the block method greatly influences the motivation and achievement of academic achievement obtained. From the results of the analysis of the T test obtained significance value on environmental variables has a value of 0,000 then <0.05 so that H1 is accepted which means there is a motivational influence on student perceptions and achievements. Key word: block method, perception, motivation, learning achievement